Hello everybody and I do hope all is well. RL is proving to be quite busy for me again so not as much time in SL as I would like. But I am now looking forward to 3 weeks holiday away from my RL job and hope to put some extra time into SL..not all of it though :-)
For now, G&N has turned to some mesh designs and our new preview gift is a gorgeous summer dress set.
The Mesh dress comes in 4 different sizes from the SL standard shapes so there is sure to be one fit! It comes with a sculpty hat and sneakers and is a lovely addition to your wardrobe. Of course there is an alpha layer to wear under the dress. As you can see this shall be priced at L$150 but you can get it now for free until the beginning of June.
As for all mesh items, you need to be in a compatible viewer to be able to view this on yourself and of course to see mesh on others.
Please enjoy and happy days
Nikki Heron xxx
G&N Quality Design at Pepita
Feeling Spicy
1 hour ago